Pharmaceuticals - The side effects

Valproic Acid

I'm often asked actually I'm asked a lot why is it I don't really condone pharmaceuticals as a cure or treatment for Epileptic Seizures. I answer in kind the same way all the time. Because they take away much more than they ever give. I'm speaking strictly from a Neurological standpoint since this is not a fracture or tear that simply heals with time. Take a look at the article below as it pretty much explains that meaning of "taking too much". You have to ask yourself honestly are the side effects  really worth it? As some if not most are pretty serious with long lasting effects as the article below demonstrates.

In the April 24, 2013 issue of Neurology Drs. Pardoe and colleagues present a provocative study looking at whether valproic acid creates changes in brain volume and thickness. The investigators performed MRIs on individuals with focal intractable epilepsy from a tertiary epilepsy center and assessed total brain volume; white matter volume; and frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobe thickness.
The investigators found total brain volume, white matter volume, and parietal lobe thickness were reduced in the valproic acid group relative to controls and non-valproic acid users.
The exact clinical implications of these findings are unknown, but coupling these anatomical findings with the findings about lower IQ and autism spectrum disorder in association to prenatal valproic acid exposure does make one wonder whether the findings of changes in the brain on MRI are a potential biomarker for cognitive problems associated with valproic acid exposure.
by Joseph I. Sirven, MD
Last Reviewed: 5/29/2013