Medical Marijuana an opinion divided, a nation torn

Does it really matter which side of opinion any of us are on when it comes to this particular issue? I mean honestly we have to really look at the fact of the matter and realize that there very little if anything to stop the progression of the future catching up to the present. I mean we have had a plant on this planet for thousands of years that only now do we have the Technology to look into it from a true medical perspective a finally realize maybe why it was put here in the first place. The current studies being done on Cannibis as a medicine is very effective as it has proven the properties of the plant are unique almost specific to mankind.

 In my own case of 13 years of Seizures between Cannabis and the Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements I use (especially Magnesium, Niacin and Folic Acid) have yielded the best results ! Unfortunately none of these can be patented and sold therefore the field of Neurology will probably never fully acknowledge the  effectiveness of natural remedies.
We must understand why  our federal Government has chosen to ignore the thousands of bonafide health reports on the benefits  of Cannabis in all it's forms for hundreds if not thousands of illnesses and Ailments that continue to plague the human body as it ages. I honestly was told as a child, a small child that anything God placed on this Earth we as his children were allowed to partake of it in its natural state.  Now I have used this principle for over 30 years and have never went beyond Cannabis (not counting Alcohol). Which leads me to address another  myth associated with Cannabis. I was given the talk by my parents as a teenager and threatened with the now infamous phrase,Marijuana is a gateway drug! I'm sure we all heard it at some point in our lives. The perception as we know now was way off the true factors in anything in life are moderation and self-awareness. Simply out know your limits and operate to the best of you ability within them. For a very nice unbiased educational you tube video on the subject click the link below
Cannabis Science How Marijuana Effects The Body

So if your not benefiting from the medicinal properties of one of the most amazing plants on Earth because of some 30 year old perception, mis-conception then update your thinking. Hmmm... I wonder who would be behind such a fear campaign as the one Cannabis endured back in the 30's, 40's and 50's? Pharmaceutical companies maybe? So politics really do come before well-being, welcome to the real world. 

I conclude that as with most  everything else it really come down to the individual and work best for them I mean the one thing we should have learned by now is that Blanket Theories don't really work in any case at all. So as we all try and place a 3,000 year old plant into a new perspective so that we may find new and more ways of manipulating to our own advantage only takes 2 words in which to live a balanced and prosperous life here on Earth...know Thyself.