How to Beat a Neurology Disorder With All Natural Vitamins and Minerals

 I actually managed to control my Epilepsy successfully through all natural methods.

Turned out it was much easier than I thought. All I had to do was ask myself these 3 simple questions...

1. DO I NEED TO BE RE-POTTED -  Access yourself as if you were a common houseplant. We have a lot more in common than we know with our own common house plants. Meaning the balance needed to sustain a nice healthy plant is literally the same needed to sustain a nice healthy body. Between Acidic and Alkalinic try and end up somewhere in the middle when maintaining a common houseplant. The ultimate goal is to achieve an even balance a certain harmony. The better the balance the better the harmony. The human body is the exact same way. We also have a balance to achieve a harmony in which we can exist. For a human body to be out of balance defines am illness. The cure for all ailments are here, right here on planet Earth in it's most natural form. Anything else required by the human body is produced by the body. Basically every ailment is a deficiency once we ascertain the true deficiency then we seek the proper vitamin and mineral combination in which to supplement the deficiency. We can then be deemed healthy once the deficiency has been supplemented.

2. WHAT IS MY SOLE, SINGLE SOLITARY POTION -  you "need to succeed". The composition of every known person on the planet can be analyzed through their blood. The blood is the "OIL" of the body as in relation to an automobile. The circumstances of how and why we all have the deficiencies we have can be debated forever, climate, Geography, Childhood rituals, Genetics Traditions, eating habits and the like. Not only do all these factors matter but they also have to be tied together uniquely to define a life, yours. So understand, relate and adapt as soon as possible to the circumstances that best suite you. Slow down and listen to your body as it will tell you not only what it needs but in what proportion as well.
The correct mixture for the correct person. Each and every person is not just unique but in fact very very unique in each and every way. So what worked for someone else will definitely not work for you. Which means you have to find out what

Understanding there is no short term solution or quick fix here For the cure to any ailment there simply is no quick fix. A cure is a lot different than alleviating the pain as medication does. Medication tends to address the after effects of a deficiency. Once you find out what your body is deficient in then you can began the three pronged short, mid and long term additions of these supplements. the concentrated pill form that you can get at the local drugstore or pharmacy is the first step for immediate results. This will offset the deficiency somewhat to offset the after effects being caused by it.
The mid-term would be to subscribe to a good multi-vitamin as a way of balancing out the onslaught of magnesium. It can never hurt to have more vitamins than normal in your system. The final long-term solution for life is simply to find the foods that contain high levels of the Vitamins and Minerals which your body is deficient. How to balance out the natural remedy and the Doctor. A word of warning. Be careful how you approach your doctor with the information contained in this article. Just like any other business doctors make money off of you as a product.
They provide a service by analyzing your body and thusly subscribing what they believe to be a remedy in the form of a Pharmaceutical drug. A mineral such as Magnesium cannot be Patented therefore it cannot be owned and or sold. Doctors correlate with pharmaceutical representatives all the time in an effort to provide us the general public with the best Drugs available for the ailment in which they have diagnosed us with. Doctors do not treat deficiencies they treat conditions. An unbiased opinion The WHO World Health Organization is the one place where you can go and gets universal facts of no particular region, religion, background or company. Unbiased facts on almost anything health related is what you get. Fortunately the WHO has been around for a long time and has helped millions of people. I remember back when the Internet started up it was one of the first sites I looked for.
The knowledge I gained as a result turned out to be priceless in my own quest for healthiness. This is one page I have bookmarked on my own laptop. There is no profit in natural cures and remedies. Always remember that the objective of pretty almost every structured building you enter in today's society with the exception of very few has the sole purpose of doing business. The objective is to to gain capital. Believe it or not doctors do sell you something, they also have the intention of separating you from your finances. Although I do appreciate doctors for the skill and ability there is nothing wrong with seeking a healthier cheaper alternative such as vitamins and minerals.