Pharmaceuticals - The side effects

Valproic Acid

I'm often asked actually I'm asked a lot why is it I don't really condone pharmaceuticals as a cure or treatment for Epileptic Seizures. I answer in kind the same way all the time. Because they take away much more than they ever give. I'm speaking strictly from a Neurological standpoint since this is not a fracture or tear that simply heals with time. Take a look at the article below as it pretty much explains that meaning of "taking too much". You have to ask yourself honestly are the side effects  really worth it? As some if not most are pretty serious with long lasting effects as the article below demonstrates.

In the April 24, 2013 issue of Neurology Drs. Pardoe and colleagues present a provocative study looking at whether valproic acid creates changes in brain volume and thickness. The investigators performed MRIs on individuals with focal intractable epilepsy from a tertiary epilepsy center and assessed total brain volume; white matter volume; and frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobe thickness.
The investigators found total brain volume, white matter volume, and parietal lobe thickness were reduced in the valproic acid group relative to controls and non-valproic acid users.
The exact clinical implications of these findings are unknown, but coupling these anatomical findings with the findings about lower IQ and autism spectrum disorder in association to prenatal valproic acid exposure does make one wonder whether the findings of changes in the brain on MRI are a potential biomarker for cognitive problems associated with valproic acid exposure.
by Joseph I. Sirven, MD
Last Reviewed: 5/29/2013

SUDEP LIVE WEBINAR - 1PM Mountain June 12th 2013


Preventing Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP):
Current Thinking and Strategies

 Wednesday, June 12, 2013 1 P.M.

  Webinar Description:

Research shows that SUDEP takes the life of about one person per 1,000 people living with epilepsy per year. The greatest risk factor for SUDEP seems to be in those who have frequent seizures, especially generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures. This webinar will begin with a brief overview SUDEP and its possible causes. The presenters will then discuss what health care professionals, people living with epilepsy and they families can do to help reduce SUDEP risk. This will include a review various strategies including better education, the use of seizure monitoring devices, improved seizure medication management, and supervision. Participants will leave with the most current thinking on ways to reduce SUDEP risk. Plenty of time will be left to answer your questions at the end of the webinar.

Thank you for your interest in this webinar! This webinar is set up with a suggested $25 donation to support PAME activities. 


 This program is supported in part by a grant from GlaxoSmithKline.

Use coupon code 01PAME in the coupon code box at checkout If you would prefer to attend this webinar without donating.

Keep In Mind - Supplemental FYI

Essential Supplemental Information

Please take the information below both seriously and in proper perspective...

Keep in Mind
Do not decide to take dietary supplements to treat a health condition that you have diagnosed yourself without consulting a health care provider.
Do not take supplements in place of, or in combination with, prescribed medications without your health care provider’s guidance.
Check with your health care provider about the supplements you take if you are scheduled to have any type of surgical procedure.
The term “natural” does not always mean safe. A supplement’s safety depends on many things, such as its chemical makeup, how it works in the body, how it is prepared, and the dose used. Certain herbs (for example, comfrey and kava) might harm the liver.

Talk with Your Health Care Provider
Let your health care providers (including doctors, pharmacists, and dietitians) know which dietary supplements you are taking so that you can discuss what is best for your overall health. Your health care provider can help you determine which supplements, if any, might be appropriate for you.
Keep a record of the supplements you take, just as you should be doing for all of your medicines. Note the specific product name, the dose you take, how often you take it, and the reason why you use each one. You can also bring the products you use with you when you see your health care provider. ODS has developed a free mobile app for consumers called My Dietary Supplements —an easy way to keep track of the vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other products you take.
Keep this information handy when you do decide to supplement your diet in any way. And most important of all PLEASE read the labels on any supplements you wish to take. Read the labels and research the ingredients in relation to you! Great how it worked for someone else but you make sure it doesn't work against you. I suggest sharing your list with various specialist as well especially if you have a pre-existing condition or require some kind of on-going  long term care.
Hope the info helped...

Trying to stay upright and conscous!
Desert Epileptic

Selenium a new perspective

Selenium A cognitive connection

Cognitive decline

Serum selenium concentrations decline with age. Marginal or deficient selenium concentrations might be associated with age-related declines in brain function, possibly due to decreases in selenium’s antioxidant activity.
The results of observational studies are mixed. In two large studies, participants with lower plasma selenium levels at baseline were more likely to experience cognitive decline over time, although whether the participants in these studies were selenium deficient is not clear. An analysis of NHANES data on 4,809 elderly people in the United States found no association between serum selenium levels (which ranged from lower than 11.3 to higher than 13.5 mcg/dL) and memory test scores.
Researchers have evaluated whether taking an antioxidant supplement containing selenium reduces the risk of cognitive impairment in elderly people. An analysis of data from the SupplĂ©mentation en Vitamines et MinĂ©raux Antioxydants (SU.VI.MAX) study on 4,447 participants aged 45 to 60 years in France found that, compared with placebo, daily supplementation with 120 mg ascorbic acid, 30 mg vitamin E, 6 mg beta-carotene, 100 mcg selenium, and 20 mg zinc for 8 years was associated with higher episodic memory and semantic fluency test scores 6 years after the study ended. However, selenium’s independent contribution to the observed effects in this study cannot be determined. The authors of a systematic review that included nine placebo-controlled studies concluded that the available clinical evidence is insufficient to determine whether selenium supplements can prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
More evidence is required to determine whether selenium supplements might help prevent or treat cognitive decline in elderly people.

Cannibus an emering industry whether we want it or not

            When the whole thing erupts meaning when our Federal Government finally caves in and not legalize the Cannibus but more important downgrade it from it current ridiculous status on the schedule 1 list of all out illegal substances. Here are the the 3 criteria that define the qualifications if a schedule 1 drug read carefully:

Schedule I substances are those that have the following findings:
  1. The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
  2. The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
  3. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision
     Okay so A may be true but B is the one! This alone is why it should be removed from the current classification as schedule. Because it does have significant medical use in treatment in the United States. We all by now the real reason it was outlawed in the first place had to do with its Hemp qualities not its illicit immoral use. that was later added by big corporations in an attempt to criminalize the plant.

A great way to slow down over active neurological activity...Meditate

Peace - Joy - Tranquility
           As we all know Epileptic seizures result from abnormal, excessive or hypersynchronous neuronal activity in the brain. So it would seem logical to counter act this with controlled rhythmic meditation. And no one does meditation better than Buddhist. Remember no one has to become a Buddhist in order to benefit from their ancient teachings. Buddhist meditation techniques have become increasingly popular in the wider world, with many non-Buddhists taking them up for a variety of reasons Epilepsy becoming one of the more popular reasons. Although Buddhist meditation encompasses a variety of meditation techniques that aim to develop mindfulness, concentration, supramundane powers, tranquility and insight.Given the large number and diversity of traditional Buddhist meditation practices. You can always take a small portion and apply in directly to your own "state of mind". 

   So lets think about it (not too much) can we plausibly used the meditative techniques learned in Buddhism to maybe slowdown if not control (at least to a better degree) our own thought patterns, hence brain activity. So as the first stepping stone to a new technique I've laid out the "10 States of Mind" in the Buddhist construct. from this information you should be able to as I said earlier take a small portion and apply it directly to your own state of mind. So take a look below and see if any of it fits to you. If so take it and use it how ever you like.I personally use a Yoga program I've been with for almost a year. I like it because it's simple and easy to use but works great it's called Flow Yoga take a look at it if you get the chance. As I said it is working great for me as you may be able to tell from the subject of this article.
Within these 10 you  should be able to find both their strengths and weaknesses and start to develop a balance within you. After all an imbalance of any of these ten is why you would have a neurological imbalance in the first place.

In the Buddhist construct these are the 10 States of mind: 

1. Hell, the state of suffering
2. Hunger, the state of base needs
3. Animalism, the state of beastly power 
4. Anger, the state of loathing
5. Neutrality, the state of neither one thing or another 
6. Rapture, the state of joy
7. Learning, the state of being mentally open 
8. Realization, the state of receiving/living wisdom 
9. Bodhisattva, the state of compassion 
10. Buddha, the state of perfect 

Please take this information and use to your advantage. 
One man's Perspective on Epilepsy...

A natural Anti-Epileptic

Magnesium is an essential mineral required by the body for maintaining normal muscle and nerve function, keeping a healthy immune system, maintaining heart rhythm, and building strong bones. Magnesium is also involved in at least 300 biochemical reactions in the body. A deficiency in magnesium can lead to muscle spasms, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, migraines, osteoporosis, and cerebral infarction. Conversely, consuming too much magnesium typically causes diarrhea as the body attempts to excrete the excess. The current DV for magnesium is 400mg. 

Here are 10 food types rich Magnesium so take a look and incorporate a few into your own diet;
#1: Bran (Rice, Wheat, and Oat)
Rice, Wheat, and Oat bran are great additions to breads and breakfast cereals like oats, rye, and buckwheat. One cup of crude rice bran contains 922mg of magnesium (230% DV) which is 781mg (195% DV) per 100 gram serving. Crude wheat bran contains 354mg of magnesium (89% DV) per cup, or 611mg (153% DV) per 100 gram serving. Crude oat bran contains 220mg of magnesium (55% DV) per cup, or 235mg magnesium (59% DV) per 100 gram serving. Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#2: Dried Herbs
Dried herbs are packed with vitamins and a healthy addition to almost any meal. Dried Coriander provides the most magnesium with 694mg (174% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 14mg (3% DV) per tablespoon. It is followed by Chives (160% DV), Spearmint (151% DV), Dill (112% DV), Sage (107% DV), Basil (106% DV), and Savory (95% DV). Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#3: Squash, Pumpkin, and Watermelon Seeds (Dried or Roasted)
Great as a snack or in a salad, pumpkin, squash, and watermelon seeds are packed with magnesium.
Squash and pumpkin seeds provide 535 mg of magnesium (134% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 738mg (185% DV) per cup. Watermelon seeds provide 515mg (129% DV) of magnesium per 100 gram serving, or 556mg (139% DV) per cup. Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#4: Cocoa Powder (Dark Chocolate)
Dark chocolate is becoming more popular and with good reason, long regarded as junk food dark chocolate is packed with vitamins and conferred health benefits. Cocoa powder provides 499mg of magnesium (125% DV) per 100 gram serving or 429mg (107% DV) per cup. Dark baking chocolate provides 327mg per 100 gram serving (82% DV), or 95mg (24% DV) per square, and a typical chocolate candy bar provides 63mg of magnesium (16% DV) per 100 gram serving or 28mg (7% DV) per bar. Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#5: Flax, Sesame Seeds, and Sesame Butter (Tahini)
Flax and Sesame seeds are a great source of heart healthy oils and also provide a good source of magnesium. Flax seeds provide 392mg (92% DV) per 100 gram serving or 39mg (10% DV) per tablespoon. Sesame seeds provide 351mg (88% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 32mg (8% DV) per tablespoon. Sesame butter (tahini) provides 362mg of magnesium per 100 gram serving, or 58mg (14% DV) per tablespoon.
Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#6: Brazil Nuts
Possibily the largest of all nuts, brazil nuts are a great source of magnesium. Brazil nuts provide 376mg (94% DV) of magnesium per 100 gram serving, 500mg (125% DV) per cup, and 19mg (5% DV) in a single kernel or nut. Brazil nuts are also very high in selenium, so should be eaten moderately.
Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#7: Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are the number one source of vitamin E, and a good source of thiamin. Sunflower seeds provide 325mg (81% DV) of magnesium per 100 gram serving, or 455mg (114% DV) per cup.
Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#8: Almonds and Cashews (Mixed nuts, Pine Nuts)
Nuts are great as a snack or as an addition to salads and soups. Almonds provide 286mg (72% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 395mg (99% DV) per cup. Cashews provide 273mg (68% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 352mg (88% DV) per cup. Pine nuts provide 251mg (63% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 339mg (85% DV) per cup. Mixed nuts in general provide 251 mg (63% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 361mg (90% DV) per cup. Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#9: Molasses
A good substitute for refined sugar in cakes and breads, molasses is also a great source of magnesium. Molasses provides 242mg (61% DV) per 100 gram serving, 816mg (204% DV) per cup, and 48mg (12% DV) per tablespoon.
Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#10: Dry Roasted Soybeans (Edamame)
Great as a snack or as an addition to salads, dry roasted soybeans are also a great source of magnesium. Dry roasted soybeans provide 228mg (57% DV) of magnesium per 100 gram serving, or 392mg (98% DV) per cup. When boiled, edamame provides 64mg (16% DV) of magnesium per 100g serving, or 99mg (25% DV) per cup.

Epilepsy - Neurological Disorder

I suffer from both Petit and Grand Mal type Seizures. I have had Epilepsy for the past 10 years. My first Seizure was a Grand Mal and happened while I was at work. The paramedics were called and I was taken to the Hospital and treated accordingly. I will never forget reading the dismissal paperwork that stated I had just had an Epileptic Seizure". The experience changed my life forever I was now classified as disabled. I had no warning that this was about to happen to me and no one had any answers as to how I was supposed to deal with it, from any perspective.
A Neurological disorder is unique in that it may never be fully understood predicted or cured. Seizures have been around since the days of the Ancient Greeks (they thought seizures where caused by offending the Moon Goddess Selene). Yet no definite method of prevention (cure) as been found. A neurological disorder is a disorder a person has to accept as a part of their lives for the rest of their lives. The most over looked aspect of Epilepsy and the Seizures caused by it are the limitations it places on an individual. The sudden loss of the ability to indulge in things once taken for granted like driving. I now have to give serious consideration to my disorder if I am too live a life suitable as well as safe for me.
Before I became disabled I worked as a customer service representative for local company here in town. I also owned and operated a small cleaning company. The onset of my first seizure changed all that. I could no longer transport myself to and from work nor could I perform the duties I had done before. My Epileptic Seizure suddenly made me a liability for my clients as well as the company I worked for full time. I was placed initially on FMLA (family medical leave act) as I tried to maintain a normal life in spite of the seizures. It just became to overwhelming and I could no longer keep up successfully.
It took years for me to accept the fact that I was disabled. The denial had lasted a long time and cost me a lot. I just did not want to see myself in that way. I spent a lot of time asking why me as opposed to accepting my fate and making the necessary adjustments my life required. I live now each day with this disorder. I still have seizures to this day and require assistance from a caretaker some days. I have however accepted that my own life will never be the same. Fortunately I have correctly assessed the situation and no longer underestimate the powers of the mind.


How to Beat a Neurology Disorder With All Natural Vitamins and Minerals

 I actually managed to control my Epilepsy successfully through all natural methods.

Turned out it was much easier than I thought. All I had to do was ask myself these 3 simple questions...

1. DO I NEED TO BE RE-POTTED -  Access yourself as if you were a common houseplant. We have a lot more in common than we know with our own common house plants. Meaning the balance needed to sustain a nice healthy plant is literally the same needed to sustain a nice healthy body. Between Acidic and Alkalinic try and end up somewhere in the middle when maintaining a common houseplant. The ultimate goal is to achieve an even balance a certain harmony. The better the balance the better the harmony. The human body is the exact same way. We also have a balance to achieve a harmony in which we can exist. For a human body to be out of balance defines am illness. The cure for all ailments are here, right here on planet Earth in it's most natural form. Anything else required by the human body is produced by the body. Basically every ailment is a deficiency once we ascertain the true deficiency then we seek the proper vitamin and mineral combination in which to supplement the deficiency. We can then be deemed healthy once the deficiency has been supplemented.

2. WHAT IS MY SOLE, SINGLE SOLITARY POTION -  you "need to succeed". The composition of every known person on the planet can be analyzed through their blood. The blood is the "OIL" of the body as in relation to an automobile. The circumstances of how and why we all have the deficiencies we have can be debated forever, climate, Geography, Childhood rituals, Genetics Traditions, eating habits and the like. Not only do all these factors matter but they also have to be tied together uniquely to define a life, yours. So understand, relate and adapt as soon as possible to the circumstances that best suite you. Slow down and listen to your body as it will tell you not only what it needs but in what proportion as well.
The correct mixture for the correct person. Each and every person is not just unique but in fact very very unique in each and every way. So what worked for someone else will definitely not work for you. Which means you have to find out what

Understanding there is no short term solution or quick fix here For the cure to any ailment there simply is no quick fix. A cure is a lot different than alleviating the pain as medication does. Medication tends to address the after effects of a deficiency. Once you find out what your body is deficient in then you can began the three pronged short, mid and long term additions of these supplements. the concentrated pill form that you can get at the local drugstore or pharmacy is the first step for immediate results. This will offset the deficiency somewhat to offset the after effects being caused by it.
The mid-term would be to subscribe to a good multi-vitamin as a way of balancing out the onslaught of magnesium. It can never hurt to have more vitamins than normal in your system. The final long-term solution for life is simply to find the foods that contain high levels of the Vitamins and Minerals which your body is deficient. How to balance out the natural remedy and the Doctor. A word of warning. Be careful how you approach your doctor with the information contained in this article. Just like any other business doctors make money off of you as a product.
They provide a service by analyzing your body and thusly subscribing what they believe to be a remedy in the form of a Pharmaceutical drug. A mineral such as Magnesium cannot be Patented therefore it cannot be owned and or sold. Doctors correlate with pharmaceutical representatives all the time in an effort to provide us the general public with the best Drugs available for the ailment in which they have diagnosed us with. Doctors do not treat deficiencies they treat conditions. An unbiased opinion The WHO World Health Organization is the one place where you can go and gets universal facts of no particular region, religion, background or company. Unbiased facts on almost anything health related is what you get. Fortunately the WHO has been around for a long time and has helped millions of people. I remember back when the Internet started up it was one of the first sites I looked for.
The knowledge I gained as a result turned out to be priceless in my own quest for healthiness. This is one page I have bookmarked on my own laptop. There is no profit in natural cures and remedies. Always remember that the objective of pretty almost every structured building you enter in today's society with the exception of very few has the sole purpose of doing business. The objective is to to gain capital. Believe it or not doctors do sell you something, they also have the intention of separating you from your finances. Although I do appreciate doctors for the skill and ability there is nothing wrong with seeking a healthier cheaper alternative such as vitamins and minerals.

SUDEP Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy

      Each year many young patients with epilepsy die suddenly. The molecular mechanisms behind this tragic end have been unknown. In 2009, an epilepsy research laboratory discovered that a gene responsible for the most common form of LQTS can not only trigger fainting spells, and put patients at risk of sudden death, but can also cause epilepsy. This had been long suspected, but never proved. This is an important finding, because it means that a seizure, and not just a fainting spell, could signify that you have a heart rhythm disturbance such as LQT and are at risk for sudden cardiac death

***A cardiology laboratory has also verified that many episodes in individuals with confirmed LQTS are likely to have epileptic seizures rather than simply fainting spells. These scientific discoveries are very important because for the first time we can begin to take real steps to prevent at least one cause of SUDEP. Until very recently, people with seizure disorders did not routinely receive an ECG test, because there was no firm evidence of a relationship between LQTS and epilepsy.  

***This important new evidence means that one way to reduce the risk of SUDEP is to screen for heart rhythm disorders with an ECG. If an abnormality is found, the doctor will consult a cardiologist for the appropriate treatment. 

***What to do. If you are an Epileptic or have had Seizures under any pretense or condition as soon as possibly schedule an appointment with your Doctor or Neurologist. Request an EEG as well as a ECG. If you have epilepsy and have never had an ECG, ask your doctor if you should have one. It could save your life. The EEG is a very important tool in evaluating patients with Seizure activity. Apart from the patient history and the neurological exam, the EEG (electroencephalograph) is the most influential tool in the diagnosis of seizures and epilepsy. It provides a record of ongoing electrical activity in the brain. Only until recently have ECG's been associated with Seizure activity. 

***What is an ECG? You may as well know because your doctor is going ask you "Why do you feel you need an ECG?" So take a minute and read the paragraph. 

Electrocardiogram is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. The heart is a muscular organ that beats in rhythm to pump the blood through the body.
The signals that make the heart's muscle fibres contract come from the sinoatrial node, which is the natural pacemaker of the heart.
In an ECG test, the electrical impulses made while the heart is beating are recorded and usually shown on a piece of paper.
This is known as an electrocardiogram, and records any problems with the heart's rhythm, and the conduction of the heart beat through the heart which may be affected by underlying heart disease. The after effect of some these ailments is Seizures. So take the two test a find out something new about yourself. And realize  that it may not be in your head!

 For more info on Seizures and All Natural Cures and Remedies see... 

Thanks for stopping by The Desert Epileptic 

A complete study into Epilepsy - A FREE EBOOK FOR LEARNING

     A very informative non-biased and factual study on Epilepsy to say the least. So please feel free to read it or download your own free copy.

Epilepsy A Purely Natural Approach

    The issue at hand is the medicine. In all honest the medicine and it side effects make the actual Seizures seem secondary. So I ask then what would be a safer, healthier alternative ? And as with any condition or disorder there ultimately is a deficiency involved to some extend to some degree. My research took me in to the field of Vitamins and Minerals and how they relate to the body. I learned some fascinating facts as well as dispelling a lot rumors and misconceptions.
   Overall I did learn that Epilepsy in most cases if not all could be controlled (treated) in a purely natural way. I mean I do appreciate the medical advances made in the field of Neurology I just can't bear to constantly bombard my body with the potent medicines prescribed to me so non-nonchalantly.
     Potentially beneficial dietary interventions include identifying and treating blood glucose dysregulation, identifying and avoiding allergenic foods, and avoiding suspected triggering agents such as alcohol, aspartame, and monosodium glutamate. The ketogenic diet may be considered for severe, treatment-resistant cases. The Atkins diet (very low in carbohydrates) is a less restrictive type of ketogenic diet that may be effective in some cases. Nutrients that may reduce seizure frequency include vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin E, manganese, taurine, dimethylglycine, and omega-3 fatty acids. Administration of thiamine may improve cognitive function in patients with epilepsy. Supplementation with folic acid, vitamin B6, biotin, vitamin D, and L-carnitine may be needed to prevent or treat deficiencies resulting from the use of anticonvulsant drugs. Vitamin K1 has been recommended near the end of pregnancy for women taking anticonvulsants. Melatonin may reduce seizure frequency in some cases, and progesterone may be useful for women with cyclic exacerbations of seizures. In most cases, nutritional therapy is not a substitute for anticonvulsant medications. However, in selected cases, depending on the effectiveness of the interventions, dosage reductions or discontinuation of medications may be possible. Just remember...Always natural a;ways possible!

Thanks for stopping by...
The Healthy Arizonan 

Medical Marijuana an opinion divided, a nation torn

Does it really matter which side of opinion any of us are on when it comes to this particular issue? I mean honestly we have to really look at the fact of the matter and realize that there very little if anything to stop the progression of the future catching up to the present. I mean we have had a plant on this planet for thousands of years that only now do we have the Technology to look into it from a true medical perspective a finally realize maybe why it was put here in the first place. The current studies being done on Cannibis as a medicine is very effective as it has proven the properties of the plant are unique almost specific to mankind.

 In my own case of 13 years of Seizures between Cannabis and the Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements I use (especially Magnesium, Niacin and Folic Acid) have yielded the best results ! Unfortunately none of these can be patented and sold therefore the field of Neurology will probably never fully acknowledge the  effectiveness of natural remedies.
We must understand why  our federal Government has chosen to ignore the thousands of bonafide health reports on the benefits  of Cannabis in all it's forms for hundreds if not thousands of illnesses and Ailments that continue to plague the human body as it ages. I honestly was told as a child, a small child that anything God placed on this Earth we as his children were allowed to partake of it in its natural state.  Now I have used this principle for over 30 years and have never went beyond Cannabis (not counting Alcohol). Which leads me to address another  myth associated with Cannabis. I was given the talk by my parents as a teenager and threatened with the now infamous phrase,Marijuana is a gateway drug! I'm sure we all heard it at some point in our lives. The perception as we know now was way off the true factors in anything in life are moderation and self-awareness. Simply out know your limits and operate to the best of you ability within them. For a very nice unbiased educational you tube video on the subject click the link below
Cannabis Science How Marijuana Effects The Body

So if your not benefiting from the medicinal properties of one of the most amazing plants on Earth because of some 30 year old perception, mis-conception then update your thinking. Hmmm... I wonder who would be behind such a fear campaign as the one Cannabis endured back in the 30's, 40's and 50's? Pharmaceutical companies maybe? So politics really do come before well-being, welcome to the real world. 

I conclude that as with most  everything else it really come down to the individual and work best for them I mean the one thing we should have learned by now is that Blanket Theories don't really work in any case at all. So as we all try and place a 3,000 year old plant into a new perspective so that we may find new and more ways of manipulating to our own advantage only takes 2 words in which to live a balanced and prosperous life here on Earth...know Thyself.